Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the future's o.k.

This is a funny website to check out -
also check out Rallye, the actual store is the best place I have been here,
This little shop has tons of crafty treasures, books, and their own record label, you can listen to some really great music on the website. I bought a cd there that I love, a band called au revoir simone, I think they are actually from NY.
I have to admit I have been a little down the last few days. I never thought that moving to Japan with a child and no ability to speak the language was going to be easy, but I just wish I had a burrito and someone to talk about make-up or my frizzed out hair with. (Who knew straight hair could frizz so badly?) I miss my friends and family and pretty much everything else.
It is freakin hot today. Alex and I rode our bicycle to the grocery store this morning at 9:45 to find the parking lot completly empty. They weren't open yet!! What is up with this idea that you can just open things whenever you want? I knew they must have been opening sometime today because we watched as every employee that could possibly be employed there filed out into the parking lot to primp up the landscaping. I don't know what they were doing, arranging rocks, possibly? It is not as if there is ANY garbage anywhere.
Today is Nate's first day as a school teacher. I wonder how it is going-we are very proud of him, he seemed a little nervous. Alex and I went to our first playgroup today which was super cute. It was a bunch of Japanese toddlers and moms-they were singing songs and blowing bubbles and doing all sorts of really cute things. It is funny because Japanese people think Alex is the so "kawaii!!" (cute) we hear it like 100 times a day, but Japanese kids are just the cutest, they are so funny and sweet! Also there was the cutest Japanese mom was also very sweet and we talked a little and she introduced me to her friend. It would be nice to think that maybe over time I will be able to make some Japanese friends, even though at the level of communication I am at now, it seems impossible!


Derek said...

I hope everything gets better. I would love to bring you a burrito and talk about frizzy hair, yours, mine, and everybody's. I'm excited about Nate starting his career as a teacher. He's taught me a few things, but I don't think it would be appropriate to discuss this with his wife. I miss you guys so much. I get sad when I think that I can't spend time with you, or save seats for you guys when we plan things. Much love, and good luck,

Crystal said...

Oh, Krista. I can't imagine not having posted hours for shopping! I can't wait for you to come back, we can go to Cha cha cha or Chipotle immediately for burritos. I really wish you and Nate could be at our bday dinner tomorrow night-another Leaky Roof event. Kisses, Crystal

Anonymous said...

Any band named for a line in a Pee-Wee Herman movie is alright in my book. Although a better band name would have been Headlight Glasses or Alamo Basement.

Derek said...

Those are great names! Pee Wee's Big Adventure is so funny, it slays me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Krista, I wish you guys could just walk around the corner and magically find a Baja Fresh! Actually, I just wish you guys could come home for a couple of weeks! I need a grandma fix!! I'm SO glad you had fun at the play group. Let us know how Nate's day went!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! the comment page came up all in Japanese!

Anyway wanted to tell you I am thinking of you and am excited to hear that the play group was super-cute. Don't worry, you will get there with the making friends.

Anonymous said...

ps -- sorry, that was me, lindsay.