Sunday, August 14, 2005

Our house

Here are a couple of pictures of our house. It turns out that our camera does work, just the lcd screen is broken (the best part of the camera). So, we will take a few pictures before we ship it back home to get it replaced. Here is one of our two tatami rooms. Nate and I sleep on the tiny couch, soon we will get something else figured out. Today I scrubbed the bathroom, which is about 5' X 5', for 3 hours on my hands and knees. I feel like I am in a warped version of Little House on the Prairie, every day requires actual housework to keep things from going to shit. Nate's even got me ironing his clothes. Just a side note to everyone, I really am not a master of the English language or grammar (which is also obvious to anyone who has heard me talk). I did win a trophy for a spelling bee when I was in 2nd grade, but even that isn't very good any more. So, bear with all my bad sentences and grammatical errors, I am terribly self-conscious of my writing abilities!!


Crystal said...

Nice work, anonymous. I'm sure I will just run right over to your website! Anyhoo, Krista, loved the pics. Your place looks cute and clean, even though your reports say otherwise. I hope you are enjoying your new life as a housewife, you might have to start a new blog with cleaning tips! How is Alex adjusting? Hope you are well!

Anonymous said...


Just saw the pics of your place. It really photographs very well. I'm impressed with the lack of mold in these rooms. Love your name "fafa"- LOL. Has Alex put his feet down in Japan yet? Ha!

Love, Your mom-in-law

krista messer said...

No kidding, home business site sucker. Did I do something wrong to allow this? Oh well, I think I will cleaning tips to someone else, my housewife days are numbered.

polly conway said...

Krista, great blog! I have a feeling you might be interested in doing a little more "home business" when you're not ironing shirts or scrubbing floors. Ha ha, just kidding, it's me, Polly, and your writing skills are fabulous! I love the pictures; your place looks cute and spacious. Alex and that owl are the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Derek said...

Don't worry Krista your writing is perfect, at least as far as I can tell. I always feel semi-illiterate when I post. God love spell check. Anyhow, I love the pictures, though they seem surreal. I feel like I was just hanging out with you and now you are in the future and in Japan! Well I hope you are enjoying tomarrow. Love, Derek

ted d. said...

First I would liket critisize the writing found in the home business comment left here.

Second, I would like to mention that I do believe your apartment in Japan is bigger than Polly or I's in red white and blue-merica.

Sue said...

hello krista! it's me, sue, posting a comment on your blog! i am so happy for you and your family. if i could choose anywhere in the world to visit, it would be japan - i'm jealous, but so very excited for y'all. it's so great that you have a blog it's so great that you have a blog - i can't wait to read more about your new life and look at more of your photos!
p.s. i too get anonymous comments all the time - you can delete them in your blogger account. also, don't worry about your grammar, trust me, we just want to know what you are up to and are happy to read anything! i added you to my links list on my blog - i hope that's ok.