Friday, August 26, 2005

I miss the O.C. (and you)

I cannot even remember today what happened on the last episode of the O.C.

Today we went to Libro bookstore that has some English stuff, and I thought- Oh! I'll buy some magazines. Except that the new Vogue is $22 here!! On the bright side, I found some really cool Japanese textile design books that are only $15, but it is just not the same, so I bought nothing.

It is hot again, I thought we were lucky and the cool breezes would last. I am taking private Japanese lessons starting Tuesday, and am a little freaked out about having a Japanese person come to my house! I really need to find a fabric store- the textile books inspired me to design a purse. For some stupid reason I didn't bring one, I can't bring myself to buy a new one (or actually can't afford to). The only fabric stores I have seen are, again, on the higher levels of department stores and not going to work. The sewing "aesthetic" of these stores is American quilting/country-home style. It is kind of cute, but not for me. It is all cotton calicos and expensive buttons. There has to be a store for me, I just don't know where it is. All that silk has to be hiding somewhere!


Anonymous said...

Great Site! I have added it to my faves so that I can check back to see your updates! One of my websites is here thrush + throat related site. It isn't anything special as I am still learning, but you may still find something of interest.

Sue said...

you have more resources at your fingertips than you think! check out crafting japanese - this blog will get you started. also, i would love to do a u.s. magazine and book trade with you for japanese crafting books and fashion magazines! let me know if you're interested!!!


Derek said...

I totally miss the O.C.! I never even saw the last season, much like my other favorite show Six Feet Under, which I still need to catch up on. Good Luck on your Japanese Classes, I hope it isn't too stressful.

Crystal said...

Do you get to watch the OC there? I hope so! I can't wait to see if Ryan takes the fall for Marissa killing his brother!

Anonymous said...

Sue- thanks for the link, there are tons of cute japanese craft books here, you wouldn't believe it! That sounds like a great idea, it might be a little expensive to mail, but we should check it out! I found a great shop today called rallye that sells handmade crafts- everything is so cute!! i will post the website link when i get if figured out.
Nate's mom just mailed us the rest of 6 feet under, I am so excited to get it!!

Anonymous said...

So I was laying in bed the other night, and I saw a commercial for the new session two DVD set of the OC, it made me think of you. I was thinking I should buy and send it to you. Gosh that would be expensive though. But I am still considering the thought.

Anonymous said...

Aw, you are so sweet! Actually, it probably wouldn't work here, dvd's there don't work here, but I should be able to buy it here, anyway, if we get desperate!!