Saturday, September 10, 2005

why can't every shrine have a jungle gym

today is sunday and rainy. the bike has a flat (again). our espresso maker arrived this week (a wedding present that we thought was necessary to ship here) but apparently we don't have enough electricity in our apartment to run it. (?) anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on this, I just don't get it. We were supposed to get a real sized refrigerator but the only person we know to help us totally flaked out and I have been referred to as a "housewife" about 3 times this week. Not that I have a problem with housewives, I just don't feel I really fit the part. Although, I just had a vision of watching soap operas all day with a box of chocolates- not such a bad thing after all. Don't housewives also have to also take a lot of bubble baths and drink sparkling wine to escape their daily chores? Damn that moldy bathtub of ours!
I think I have been avoiding writing anything because I feel like maybe we sound like big bummers. Well, it is partially true, we are. But here are some very nice things that have happened:
I have had 3 japanese classes and learned all the alphabet and my one teacher is completely nuts and I love her. Her name is Yoko and she comes over and entertains me with gossip and drama and is very fun.
Alex and I have been to more playgroups, and although I still feel a little out of place, Alex seems to warming up to the other kids and activities.
I made a very successful sushi and miso dinner.
Our friend Maureen supplies us with endless supplies of British fashion/celebrity scandal magazines and sex in the city dvds, and I finally talked Nate into opening up his box of Ghiradelli chocolates that were supposed to be a present to his school coworkers (oh, wait, I guess I really am a housewife after all).
Nate has started to get up at 6 am to write which is inspiring me to think about getting up at 6 am to draw.
I have gotten e-mails that made me really happy and some that didn't make me happy but I was still happy to get them.
I have crocheted a little cat head. Instant coffee isn't soo bad.


polly conway said...

Yay for crochet! I know what you mean about sounding like a bummer; sometimes things are going weird but you don't want everyone to know about it because then they'll get all weird and worried about you. I am having similar times. I miss portland desperately. speaking of portland, I loved looking at the wedding pictures on flickr! such a great time. rock on!

Derek said...

I too loved the Wedding pictures! Don't ever worry about sounding like a bummer. I just love hearing about everything going on over yonder. What kind of gossip does Yoko tell you? Is it juicy? Is it in Japanese? What are Japanese Soap Operas like? Are they showing episodes of The OC? I wish you well. Oh, did by the way, did you buy that Painting? So many questions, sorry. Only answer any that interest you.

Anonymous said...

I miss portland too! Japanese soap are like humble versions of american ones with alot of bowing, crying women and beach scenes. We are sad because we can order FOX but just found out that the OC will not be on here!?? So disappointing! I think we are going to get the painting when Nate gets paid again, if it is still there. Yoko gossips in English about everything and anything with legs, although I don't know any of them!