Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ryan atwood

Speaking of Ryan Atwood, I am sitting here eating flan and drinking instant coffee, downloading the O.C. as I type! I am so happy, especially after I had spoiled it for myself be reading the whole episode synapsis, before I discovered I could download it! I also just discovered the "Chateraise" a block away which has many delicious temptations-they have their own line of ice-cream treats, cakes, cookies, and even truffles. And also, of course, many bean paste items such as the one pictured here, which are pretty, but I still have quite accepted them as a worthwhile reward. Alex got a little ice cream cone fish stuffed with ice cream and bean paste (I thought it was chocolate, he doesn't know the difference) and I had a cream puff with chocolate ice cream inside. It is true that I have had flan and cream puff both within the last hour, but I earned by having to desperately communicate to the lady at the bike shop that I had a hole in my tire that needed to be patched. It is the only time so far I have actually had to pull out a phrasebook and it was useless, but it is fixed and we went on a bike ride up the street.


polly conway said...

Ah, the OC. I don't have TV either, and I am desperate to know about my people! those treats sound really good, especially the cream puff. i can take or leave bean paste items, but they sure are cute and colorful! i learned that the hard way when i went to uwajimaya once and bought like a million of them. bleah.

Derek said...

I'm so glad you can download The OC! It must take forever to download, But I guess if you only watch it once a week anyhow it is worth the wait.

krista messer said...

it only takes 10 minutes to download, although since we are a day ahead it really seems more like 24 hrs 10 minutes.

ted d. said...

I love beanpaste. I especially love warm bean paste mixed with fruit, which I had in Korea and at a Chinese restaurant in Vancouver once.

I also love mochi, if that's how you spell it.

The impression I have of this week in Kanazawa, is that one simple goes from pastry to pastry, occasionally watching the OC and getting a bike fixed. Can I expect this on a vist?

Anonymous said...

I love mochi, too!

Add about 20 miles of bike riding to that. I'll step up our game for you, though, ted!

Anonymous said...

Urgent! How do you download episodes of the OC?