Thursday, January 19, 2006

winner gets a prize

ok, give up? The closest winner I'd have to say is Derek with the guess of cocaine and hot chocolate. But, it's actually ice cream! I sent Nate to get chocolate covered ice cream bon-bons and this is what he came back with. Yes, they are in a balloon. And, no, they are not good, but in Nate's defense- the package does say bon bon on it!


Anonymous said...

I have a guess, but it might be cheating because I am in Japan.

Were they prizes at a local event?


The Feminine Cliche said...

Booby Nunchucks

Crystal said...

some kind of food wrapped in something?

Anonymous said...

is it.....eggs in balloons

Anonymous said...

all thought booby nunchucks would have been my second guess

Anonymous said...

Give us a hint! Are they something that we would recognize in the U.S. or are they just some weird Japanese thing?

Derek said...

Very tiny condoms full of cocaine and hot chocolate mix, respectivly.

Sue said...

i cannot stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the weirdest ? I'm SO confused!!!

Anonymous said...

My comments went on and on due to my confusion about the whole concept. They didn't publish the whole first part of my comments. But the last 2 sentences that you see above actually express what I thought! WEIRD!!!!!!!

Derek said...

Yay! I love winning things!

Crystal said...

Krista-just wanted you to know that Derek and I had a heated discussion about the "real winner" of this contest after we got drunk at a party last weekend. I did say food wrapped in something, and that technically is correct. Although some might say that ice cream or sugar is as addictive as cocaine, I still believe in my heart that my answer was more on the money than that joker Derek!
Hee, hee.

krista messer said...

Shoot, Crystal, I think you are right! I'm sorry! Maybe it could be a tie? I am glad to know that it caused a drunken, heated discussion, though!