Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Alex has mixed feelings about snowmen, which is interesting because usually he is quite sure how he feels- he likes it or he doesn't. I wonder what it is about the snowmen that has him somewhere in between.

Nate has gone back to work after three weeks off. The apartment is so quiet now, and I find myself feeling kind of like I did when we first got here, which is wondering what to do now. Except now it is snowy and I am big and Alex seems bigger and I can hardly carry him to the end of our driveway. Also, now, I am not wondering what to do in a worried, helpless sort of way. I guess I feel confident with my options and comfortable with my surroundings. And considering the uncertainty of our future it seems best to take advantage of being a little comfortable and bored. I wish I could get motivated and try to fufill the 8 credits of art electives I wanted to complete while I was here. If only somehow I could transfer my overactive brain into something that looked like art work. I wish I could find some printmaking ink, and a potty training seat.

Lately, I spend alot of time thinking about my neighbors. I think about their lives and how they are at home everyday with 2+ kids, hanging up laundry, wiping the windows down multiple times a day, making meals. There husbands come home on the weekends and are rarely seen, and they don't really ever have friends over and never seem to go anywhere. And I don't think they wonder what they are going to do with their lives or if they are satisfied. And I think about my me and my friends who may be reading this, and the options and freedom we have and how we don't know what we are going to do, but I wouldn't want change places. It is no wonder to me now why they keep you in the hospital at least a week here after you have a baby, it is probably one of the only breaks these women get. It is interesting to me, not good or bad, just very different.

We still don't know whether we are having a boy or a girl, or where the birth will be for sure, but so far things are good. I am almost positive that it is a girl, but any suggestions for boys names are encouraged!


Crystal said...

Krista! I have been thinking too much about the future lately, and reading your post was just eye opening. Even if I am worried and uncertain about things, at least I know what I want and can change it. Thanks for the remind from across the world. Can't wait until you are back, see you soon!

Sue said...

krista! i wish you all the best in your second pregnancy - good luck with all of your new decisions!!!

i like:
alex and emmett
alex and henry
alex and eli
alex and quinn
alex and wyatt
alex and oliver
alex and sam

The Feminine Cliche said...

Here here, sister.

Anonymous said...

If I thought Nate would go for Oliver . . .

I don't really know the answer to the Japanese housewife dilemma. One thing is that girls grow up with motherhood as an ideal life state -- kind of like American girls in the fifties. Mothers feel like people think they are doing an important job, and are valued.

They also have complete control over the family finances.

Also, apparently Japanese people are raised to expect an ordinary life, while Americans are always thinking that they can/should be doing something special. Obvious advantages to both mindsets.

I hope I can see you before I leave!!


Derek said...

Hmmm, as far as boy names go here are a few of my favz. Though some of these might be an unfortunate pairing with a last name starting with M, such as number two on the list.
and of course,