Now we are more or less confined to the house, which I also kind of enjoy for the time being, at least until we run out of food and Christmas cookies, so most likey until tomorrow. The house is cold, but outside looks freezing. I made Alex his first Christmas stocking. I also knit a scarf which looks terrible and I think I hate knitting. We have been cleaning and organizing , and hoping that my dad and Barbara will make it here with no weather delays. It still doesn't seem like Christmas to me, but I am not down about it. Japanese style Christmas is kind of annoying to me because it seems especially materialistic, even worse the in the U.S., not so surprising since as one teacher told Nate "we don't give a shit about jesus". For me, it is mainly that the selection of Christmas novelty items here are so tacky that I almost want to vomit. They make those fuzzy cheap Christmas stockings you can buy at Walmart look classy. And I really just want some eggnog.
Nate is so sweet that he takes over my most detested chore on his days off, which is wiping bucketfuls of freezing cold water off the "sunroom" windows. There is so much water condensation that occurs, and from what I can tell, no one else has this problem. The best solution would be to get a dehumidifier, but they are expensive and we have already sunk enough money into stuff that we are just going to lose in the end. It is a ridiculous amount of water, and when I wipe them down, after only an hour I come back to find it looking totally like it did before. It drives me nuts. The only solution so far is to keep the windows slightly opened all the time, which sucks when you have paper screens as barriers. Funny, too, is that this is where we are supposed to hang our clothes to dry.
So, I know I don't paint Japan as a great place, but I just love to complain about it. The thing is, the things I like about it are impossible to describe. Like the way the string of lights glow at dusk when I ride my bike home from the grocery store, or how I have to stop and make myself hear the 1000 crickets chirping because I have become so used to them that my mind tricks me into thinking they've stopped. And most of all, the way people have gone out of their way, even running a whole block and back, to give Alex a small toy or something to eat. And I really don't know what else to say, except sometimes I am of the opinion that this place is o.k.
that is the freaking cutest stocking I have ever seen in my life! Perhaps you could start selling them? Keep on rockin' in Kanazawa. We just got snow here yesterday, quite the surprise. It is mostly gone now though.
You can buy these smallish plastic oval-shaped tubs that suck in water through some kind of chemistry. I don't know the Japanese word for them, (aha! ask for "kashi-tsuki") but they probably carry them in your grocery store in the homewares. Often two or three are shrink-wrapped together. Not too too expensive.
You just pull off a foil-like layer on top and it starts sucking moisture in. No substitute for heating and/or proper ventilation, but a close second.
They are disposable (burnable, apparently) and not re-usable, a downside.
If you could keep your sun-room warmer, maybe the water wouldn't reach the condensation point? But I know that's hard.
Lindsay x
Very cute pictures. Thgis year didn't seem much like Christmas for me either, I think this is parly due to the fact that I didn't have Helen to decorate the apartmant building for me. But, I really think this will make next year seem even more special, in a years time you will be back, and Alex will have a new sibling. I'm really looking forward to the New Year. I hope you have a joyous New Years, and I hope you aren't just freezing and starving. I miss you guys, and look forward to our reunion. Happy New Year!
Love Derek
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