Thursday, November 03, 2005


Fall here has been very beautiful, when it's not raining. There are persimmon tress in almost every yard and the smell of burning fields in the countryside. This red farmhouse surrounded by rice fields is near Valor, a supermarket we like to shop at. It provides a very unjapanese-like, kind of surreal scene that reminds me of Idaho.

This is the Valor supermarket, which also looks like it could be anytown U.S.A. until you step inside. I have finally gotten to the point where I can go in, know where everything I need is, and not totally lose track of time because I am stuck gawking at one of the million different products because I have no idea what they are. Sometimes, they actually stare back at me. Nate saw a fully dressed geisha shopping here at Valor the other night, sans make-up, the first one spotted so far.

In other news, as many of you probably already know, Nate and I are expecting another baby. I went to the doctor Monday, an experience I was dreading, but actually turned out to be just fine. I had the embarassment of having to have the receptionist physically show me where and what to do with the cup for the urine sample, but luckily that was cancelled out with me having to help the doctor spell syphillis (not because I have it, but because they test everyone for it!). The doctor spoke English well enough, and was friendly. I have heard rumors that often doctors are very cold and uncommunicative, compared to Western standards, so I was relieved that it went so well. Also based on Western standards, you would have thought they were running a meth lab by how unorganized and in disarray the exam room was. But, this extreme messiness is very common in Japan, and I have no doubt that under the piles of tools, viles, and papers everything was very clean. Based on an ultrasound, the due date is June 8 and based on my last "mens" it is June 6, so I have to go back in two weeks and then the doctor will be able to tell me exactly what the due date will be and blood test results. Then I will be able to give my official statement of pregnancy to the major of Kanazawa and recieve a Boshi Techo (maternity/child handbook) and then we will see what comes next.


Derek said...

I'm glad that went well. I was concerned it might be frustrating, and stressful, considering the cultural and language differances. June is such a big month for you guys, Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. Sounds like a lot of Barbeques.

ted d. said...

Do you go to your own barbeques? Just kidding!

That's very exciting. I'm still pushing someone to name their child Clark.

Anonymous said...

Official congratulations! My friend Claire is due any day now, but if you want her advice about birth in Japan, let me know and I will get you in touch.


Crystal said...

I am so freakin excited for you! I vote for the names Mirabelle and Tallulah. (I seem to be going to a southern phase) And if its a boy, Montgomery. Krista-cannot wait to see you, and sooner than expected! Official congratulations!