Sunday, November 27, 2005

bears, bears, bears

Well, Thanksgiving here was a total bust consisting of Alex puking and laying on the couch moaning all day, me eating muesli for dinner and both of us watching a taped vcr recording of animal planet over and over. I expect you all to help make up for it next Thanksgiving! In the meantime, Nate got to sit for hours in an outdoor hot springs, in the rain with a six pack of beer. He brought back one can of beer and this story:

There is another JET here who worked last year in a school that was way up in the mountains. Anyway, one day she went to work and her students starting getting worked up about something. She looked out the window and there was a giant bear walking around the school grounds. Everybody was freaking out and a call was made to two grizzly-looking Japanese mountain men. Soon enough they arrived, dressed in furs, and shot the bear while everyone watched from inside. Then they proceeded to also skin and butcher the bear, also while everybody watched. They recieved a portion of the meat and the fur as payment for killing the bear. The rest of the meat went to the school and everybody had bear for school lunch that day.


Anonymous said...

Awwww. Well, it's over now.

Lindsay x

Derek said...

Was her name Laura Ingles Wilder, by chance?

ted d. said...
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ted d. said...

Um I had seal when I was little in Alaska, you should have seen how that bastard terrorized our village from it's helpless perch in the river... we actually had a bear come into the village in Alaksa, which idon't remember, but I've recently seen a photo of it. It was shot and left in situ if you will- which surprises me since those bastards would eat anything. (we ate the seal's tongue for example)

Crystal said...

Reminds me of that scene in Napoleon Dynamite when that farmer shoots the cow as the school bus is going by. Traumatizing!