Sunday, August 21, 2005

hot japanese chics

There was a point when I thought, thanks to my Aussie predecessor informant, that there was going to be a major lack of shopping and clothes here that fit me. I had some doubts, and tried to buy clothes to get by for the year (mainly some very unfashionable t-shirts). I really wish that what she had said would have been the truth.
Yesterday, I rode downtown to check out a shop called Uniqlo, which is basically like the gap. I had never been, but heard there was a sale and wanted to get out on my own for a change. I found Uniqlo, which was fine, not very exciting, but did manage to get some really cute tank tops for about 3.50 that I can wear inside the house, but not outside, thanks to the tattoo factor. I wandered around this 7 story mall, finally finding my way out.
As I headed uptown, my worst inclination had come true, and I actually gasped, then sobbed, when I saw the two Marc Jacobs stores up the road. I had a hunch that there was something major going on here. Kanazawa is a fashion mecca and there is no way in hell I will be able to afford any of the clothes. But I can fit into them.

I went into a "department store" (yeah right, there is nothing deparment store about this place) called Daiwa which was basically surrounded by Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and numerous other seperate designer stores. The department store itself was like Saks 5th Ave. times 500. There were at 5 floors of womans clothing, all designer clothing, (Agnes B., Michael Kors, Burberry, N. Miller, Gautier, etc,etc) -I'd say maybe 6-10 different sections of different designers per floor, at least.
Equally as impressive is the abundance of French patisseries everywhere. This is like having 500 pix patisseries in one town. And they are not a weird Japanese version, they are the real deal. At least these I can afford, on a short term basis. The Japanese know what's going on, they keep up appearances. All the girsl are hot and high fashion. Thank god fall is around the corner and I will have some semi-better clothes to wear and look kind of like I know what I am doing.
By the way, did you know that they actually sell wash rags (designer ones of these, too) in the accessories area of all the stores. These are for when you are fashionably wiping sweat off your face. Right next to the earrings.


The Feminine Cliche said...

That sounds brilliant and painful at the same time. Why is Marc Jacobs so perfect, especially in the fall? Your haircut is cute, by the way. You are hot japanese chic!

Crystal said...

Okay Krista, you have officially convinced me to come visit you. Damn you and your Marc Jacobs stories! Did you see that Marc Jacobs bandaid holder in the new Lucky for only $2.00? I simply must have it! Those sweat rags sound brilliant as well.

polly conway said...

Oh my god. You must be going crazy. French pastries and designer clothes are really all that matter, despite reports to the contrary!

Derek said...

God that would drive me crazy. I'm excited about all the good food! I can't wait to come visit!

Derek said...
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